For the past twenty years, I have started almost every presentation with Arthur Rubenstein's quote, "I have found if you love life, life will love you back." I do that for several reasons.
First, I've found it to be true.
We go first. If we're aware and appreciative of life's marvels - if we SEE the world as a blessed place - than that's our experience of it.
Secondly, I do it and then segue into, “I love this program. To help you love it back, I promise NOT to waste your valuable time, mind and dime on ivory tower theories that aren’t relevant to your world. Instead we’re going to focus on real-life ideas you can use immediately to improve your effectiveness on and off the job. Sound good? Let’s go.”
This is a quick way to let the audience know I care about THEIR priorities and I'm going to do my best to honor them. It also lets them know that I know the clock starts ticking the second I start talking and I better quickly prove this is going to be worth their while.
How about you? Would you say you love life? And how do you start your presentations and meetings?